The holmes and rahe stress scale-understanding the impact of long term stress

The Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale

Stress is the most common issue in today’s era. Everyone starting from a young kid to an old person faces some kind of stress in their day-to-day life. Stress can also help you with instant motivation and help you perform better than you actually can. However, stress beyond the limits is very dangerous for your body both mentally as well as physically. But what do you actually mean by limit?

The limit here or anywhere means a certain boundary beyond which anything is considered excess. When it comes to stress, general stress about day to day life and some small issues are completely fine. But when the stress is too high due to some serious issues or different types of situation which may have a long term or some serious effect is not normal.


Holmes Rahe Stress Scale

What is the Holmes Rahe stress scale?

Holmes Rahe stress scale is basically a kind of measurement device or measurement formula that helps you calculate stress levels and how they can affect you. Also, It shows a connection between stress levels and illness.


Meanwhile, A few decades back in 1967 Thomas Holmes and Richard Rahe surveyed around five thousand patients medical reports. This was done to determine whether stressful events cause any kind of illness. The patients were asked to rank a list of events and each event was given a unit known as a life-changing unit. The patients ranked forty-three life events.


Holmes Rahe stress scale has basically assigned a score or you can call it weights to each life event that they have listed and a person taking this test has to calculate their total score by adding the score of all the events that he is going through. Also, The final total that comes at the end of this test is the score that actually tells you how stressful you are and what are the chances of you getting affected by this stress level.

Holmes Rahe Stress Inventory

So, The stress inventory is classified into two categories one is for the adults and there is for the non-adults.

For adults

Life eventLife change units
Death of a spouse100
Marital separation65
Death of a close family member63
Personal injury or illness53
Dismissal from work47
Marital reconciliation45
Change in health of family member44
Sexual difficulties39
Gain a new family member39
Business readjustment39
Change in a financial state38
Death of a close friend37
Change to a different line of work36
Change in frequency of arguments35
Major mortgage32
Foreclosure of mortgage or loan30
Change in responsibilities at work29
Child leaving home29
Trouble with in-laws29
Outstanding personal achievement28
Spouse starts or stops work26
Beginning or end of the school26
Change in living conditions25
Revision of personal habits24
Trouble with boss23
Change in working hours or conditions20
Change in residence20
Change in schools20
Change in recreation19
Change in church activities19
Change in social activities18
Minor mortgage or loan17
Change in sleeping habits16
Change in number of family reunions15
Change in eating habits15
Major Holiday12
Minor violation of law11

For Non-adults

Life EventLife Change Units
Death of parent100
Unplanned pregnancy/abortion100
Getting married95
Divorce of parents90
Acquiring a visible deformity80
Fathering a child70
Jail sentence of a parent for over one year70
Marital separation of parents69
Death of a brother or sister68
Change in acceptance by peers67
Unplanned pregnancy of sister64
Discovery of being an adopted child63
Marriage of parent to stepparent63
Death of a close friend63
Having a visible congenital deformity62
Serious illness requiring hospitalization58
Failure of a grade in school56
Not making an extracurricular activity55
Hospitalization of a parent55
Jail sentence of a parent for over 30 days53
Breaking up with boyfriend or girlfriend53
Beginning to date51
Suspension from school50
Becoming involved with drugs or alcohol50
Birth of a brother or sister50
Increase in arguments between parents47
Loss of job by parent46
Outstanding personal achievement46
Change in parent’s financial status45
Accepted at college of choice43
Being a senior in high school42
Hospitalization of a sibling41
Increased absence of a parent from home38
Brother or sister leaving home37
Addition of the third adult to family34
Becoming a full-fledged member of a church31
The decrease in arguments between parents27
The decrease in arguments with parents26
Mother or father beginning work26

Just calculate the total score and compare the results as below.

Score =/< 150 This is considered good as at this score you are at a very low stage of stress and have a very less chance of getting affected by it.

Score >150 but <300 At this stage, your stress levels are pretty high and you have moderate chances of getting affected by it and this may lead to some stress and illness issues both at the physical and mental level.

Score >300 This is the most serious stage where you are at an extreme level of getting affected by stress. At this stage, you can really face some serious stress and illness issues.

Tips to Reduce Stress

The most simple and practical solution to reduce your stress would be to take a break. Taking a break from your daily life routine may actually help you relax better. And when you relax better you can actually feel good and you think less about the stressful situations.

However every time it is not possible to take a break, below are some tips that can actually help you manage stress and also stay away from it.

  • Exercise: Exercise is a very good option as it releases good hormones which can actually help you with stress.
  • Reduce intake of alcohol, cigarettes, any other drug: Alcohol and cigarettes are very bad for your overall health for some time they can help you forget about stress but in long term, they will affect you.
  • Spend more time with friends and family: No one can help you fight stress better than your own friends and family.
  • Set goals and priorities: Goals are important as they can help you divert your focus from stress to something good.
  • Talk to your health care provider


Stress is the most common issue in today’s era. Also, Everyone starting from a young kid to an old person faces some kind of stress in their day to day life and stress can actually help you create a backup or prepare for a situation thinking of what is causing you stress. Stress can also help you with instant motivation and help you perform better than you actually can. meanwhile, A few decades back in 1967 Thomas Holmes and Richard Rahe surveyed around five thousand patients medical reports. So, This was done to determine whether stressful events cause any kind of illness and The stress inventory is classified into two categories one is for the adults and there is for the non-adults.

Also you can read our blog on Time Management: How The Pickle Jar Theory Will Help You



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