SWOT Analysis क्या है? SWOT Analysis कैसे करते है? Complete Guide

क्या आपने SWOT Anyalsis के बारे सुना है? स्वॉट विश्लेषण 1960 के दशक में अल्बर्ट हम्फ्री द्वारा गढ़ा गया एक शब्द है। इसमें ताकत, कमजोरी, अवसर और धमकियां शामिल हैं। किसी कंपनी की Strenght, Weakness, Opportunities & Threats  जानने के लिए और उनके अनुसार कार्य करने के लिए स्वॉट विश्लेषण किया जाता है। यह संभव […]

How To Calculate Customer Value, Satisfaction & Loyalty | Complete Guide

Customer Value is a primary part of marketing. Customer value means the value which the customer gives after taking service or after purchasing a product from a vendor. Customer value is important as it helps in creating a brand image and also helps in promoting the brand for the better result. Customer loyalty helps in […]

What is Database Marketing? Complete Guide

What do you mean by Database Marketing? Do you ever wonder how Database Marketing works? Database Marketing is a term that is used for maintaining a database for marketing and selling products directly to the customers. Database Marketing is mainly applied to B2C type business. Database Marketing consists of a database that is maintained by […]