Leadership Responsibility – Everything you need to know

In this blog, we are going to explain everything about leadership responsibility. The word responsibility suggests The state of being accountable for something. And quite unsurprisingly, a leader is responsible for and everything in the organisation he/she leads. A leader does not have the liberty to say that they were unaware of the happenings. And […]

Doblin’s 10 Types of Innovation: Spread Your Creative Efforts

In this blog, you will learn about Doblin’s 10 Types of innovation. In-Depth information for all 10 Types of Innovation. At the point when we hear individuals talk about development, we used to think as the same word for new items. But in reality, it is not just that only. It is one of the […]

All About Rolestorming – Improving Group Brainstorming

Rolestorming is a brainstorming technique that is invented by Rick Griggs in 1980. Rick Griggs is a Business guru and he has developed this technique.  It involves the role-playing of a character. Generally, sometimes we feel ashamed or fear of sharing our new and unique ideas with others.  We just think about what they think or our […]