Vroom-Yetton Decision Model

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As a manager, you need to make lots of decisions at different levels for your business. Decision making is very necessary for any business to run a business for a long period.

Every decision is not hard to take, managers can take some decisions at their level, but that will make him autocratic, but some decisions need to be discussed with your team member but this process is very time-consuming. Now, a big question stands in front of the manager, so here is a decision-making model available which is called VROOM-YETTON DECISION MODEL.


Concept of the Vroom-Yetton decision model

Vroom-Yetton decision model

This concept was originally developed by Victor Vroom and Philip Yetton in their book (1973) “LEADERSHIP AND DECISION MAKING’ and later with Arthur Jago (1988).

The Vroom-Yetton model is created to help us to find out the best decision-making approach and leadership style based on your current situation.

This model says to us, no single decision-making process fits in every scenario. In this model Vroom and Yetton create a lot of situations for you to reach the best direction.

This model also helps us to create consistency and also helps in collective decision-making style and individual decision-making style.

This model is run on a flow chart, which helps to show how to take action on different kinds of situations in the decision-making process.

Purpose of the Vroom-Yetton decision model

Following are the purpose of this model;

1. To identify the best decision-making approach

The Vroom-Yetton decision model helps us to identify the best decision approach. This model tells us how to make decisions, with a team or without a team. If you want to need to make a decision, then you need to follow a proper approach, so this model is helpful to find out the best decision approach.

2. Help to reach the best decision

The Vroom-Yetton decision model runs on 7 questions, you just need to answer them yes or no and in the end, you will reach your best way of decision.

In short, this model tells us that there are a lot of ways to reach your decision, but if you want to find the best route, then follow this model.

3. Help to collective and individual decision making

The Vroom-Yetton decision model creates a lot of options for you and it creates consistency. It also helps us in different kinds of situations. You can use this model for collective and individual decision making.

3 factors of the Vroom-Yetton decision model

To understand this model first you need to know the 3 main factors of this model.

Following are the 3 main factors of this model.

1. Decision quality

Decision quality is the first main factor which affects your decision making. So, first, we understand, what is quality? Quality is considered as your resources. 

Resources mean, how many people do you have for research? How much time do you have for research? How much information do you need? Or how much information do you have?

These resources are directly impacting your quality decision. So, your resources must be good for your decision-making process because it shows your decision quality.

2. Team commitment

Team commitment is the second factor of this model, which directly impacts on your decision making.

Some decisions have an impact on your team that is good. It’s best to collaborate with that team and take decisions because it improves your decision quality.

But, sometimes decisions are not made impacting your team, so you don’t need to collaborate with them, because it directly affects your decision making.

So, you need to understand this factor, while using The Vroom-Yetton decision model for your decision.

3. Time constraints

Time constraints mean, how much time do you have for taking a particular decision?

If you have limited time, then you cannot involve your team member into a decision process. At that time you need to make decisions on your basis, as manager. 

But, if you have lots of time, then you can collaborate with your team members and then you can make your decision.

Leadership style

Vroom-Yetton decision model

There is a big role in leadership style in this Vroom-Yetton decision model. To understand this model, you need to know these 5 codes and apply them based on your current situation.

Check out these 5 codes to understand this model.

1. Autocratic 1 (A1)

  • In this type, leadership has its research or information, and he/she can make their own decision using that information. This type is autocratic.
  • Other team members’ opinions are not considered in this type.
  • In this case, you need to tell your decision to your team.

2. Autocratic 2 (A2)

  • In this case, the manager collaborates with the team and collects information but he makes decisions alone.
  • In here may or may not be informed to team members about what the decision is taken.

3. Consultative 1 (C1)

  • In this case, the manager collects the information with a person.
  • Teammates do not meet as a group and the manager can make alone decisions.

4. Consultative 2 (C2)

  • In this case, the manager collects all teammates as a group and takes information from teammates with proper discussion.
  • Here teammates meet each other, and through discussions, they find out solutions.
  • Here the manager’s decision may or may not reflect the follower’s influence. So, teammates are involved in a group to help each other to make decisions.

5. Group (G1)

  • In this case, the manager and teammates can discuss the problem.
  • The manager does not try to force his or her idea on other group members.
  • All the group can accept is an important factor in this situation.

7 questions of the Vroom-Yetton decision model

The Vroom-Yetton decision model depends on these 7 questions, now you just need to understand these questions, then I will show you how to use these questions for making the best decision.

Question No. 1

Is the quality of the decision important?

Question No. 2

Is team commitment to the decision important?

Question No. 3

Do you have enough information to decide on your own?

Question No. 4

Is the problem well structured?

Question No. 5

If you made the decision yourself, would the team support it?

Question No. 6

Does the team share organizational goals?

Question No. 7

Is conflict amongst the team over the decision likely?

How the Vroom-Yetton decision model works

Vroom-Yetton decision model

To understand this model you just need to understand this chart of the Vroom-Yetton decision model.

  1. On the above diagram in the left-hand side, all 7 questions are placed and in front of every question, there is an option Y and N.
  2. Y stands for yes, and N stands for No.
  3. Now you have to just read the first question and answer them yes or no. If your answer is yes then follow to ‘Y’ and if your answer is no then follow ‘N’.
  4. Now you have to read the second question and you have to do the same things, choose your answer Y or N. and continue this process.
  5. At some time you will reach the end and find out one code.
  6. We will discuss these codes above.
  7. Now you have to read your code description.
  8. Now you will find out your effective answer.
  9. Choose this method to make a decision.

Follow these methods for using this model.


The Vroom-Yetton decision model is good for everyone, who wants to make a good decision in a life or your business. It helps us to identify the best decision-making approach. This model tells us what actions are taken in a different kind of situation.

Overall if you want to decide on your business or your life then follow this model, you will find out your best way, and also you will learn something new.

Also You can Read Our Blog on How the Decision Cycle helps to make decisions


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