Coping With Change: 3 Ways to Deal With Change

When I was younger, I hated the idea of coping with change at work, I hated the idea of being not able to control my life.

One thing my father used to always say to me is that the only thing consistent in life is Dealing with change.

And I hated this to no end because when he used to say this I instantly felt powerless, hopeless, unable to control anything. 

The problem is as I’ve gotten older that has not changed. I still feel the pretty uncomfortable change and I think many of us deal with that situation. 

Where we feel uncomfortable we hate it. Because in a lot of ways where coping with change comes fear it comes to filling of fear. 

It comes to the feeling of being powerless it comes to the feeling of not having control. 


How We Can Deal Coping With Change

I want to give you three tips that may help you deal with change. 

So, let’s go 

Be Flexible And Embrace Change:

A lot of times, when we first encounter changes a lot of times. When we first have to deal with change our media reaction is to put up a defence is to protect ourselves. 

And keep us as further as far away from change as possible. But for us to be happy in life for us to be able to fully accept life in all of its changes. 

You must learn to embrace coping with change and learn to be flexible with change 

Face Your Fears:

Now we all have fears when it comes to change for me. When I was a kid moving to a new school always brought that fear. 

The fear of having to meet new people of having to deal with change, new teachers. And maybe having a difficult time readjusting to a new area. 

When I was a child as an adult I have different fears when it comes to coping with change. But we all have fears in general when it comes to change. 

Certain things about the change itself make us afraid. 

But if we can learn to embrace those fears and face them. we can become successful.

We can learn to be happy even despite the fears themselves. So, one thing I want to say is a great way to face fears is by writing them down. 

These fears by it by putting one paper by being by taking ourselves out of the situation.  

And playing on paper and looking at it objectively. We can stop dwelling on it and being stuck on the fears and learn to let them. 

Focus on The Things That You Can Control:

Life will throw you a lot of different curveballs it will go in a lot of different directions.  

We may not want life to go it may go right. when we want it to go left it may take a u-turn. 

When we want life to go straight change is inevitable it’s unstoppable. So although we may not control the world around us. 

Whether other people or situations as a whole. What we can control but one thing we can control is our attitude. 

And our actions if you find yourself in a situation. where you’re afraid and you know that coping with change is inevitable learn to control yourself like, 

I said earlier some of the most successful people in life can be flexible or able to face their fears. 

And control not the world around them themselves. They’re able to redirect their energies, their talents, their abilities in ways that allow them to not necessarily. 

Stages of Reacting to Coping With Change

Addictive behaviour seems pretty daunting for most people. The easiest course of action is to do nothing about the problem. 

But doing nothing isn’t an option anymore you know. You have to make coping with change. If your issue is alcohol. 

It can mean overhauling the whole professional recreational and social life centred around drinking. 

So yeah coping with change is hard but it’s not impossible people do it every day. So, let’s go

Pre Contemplation:

You don’t think you have a problem you don’t plan to quit any time soon but external pressures are mounting on you. 

Your spouse’s baby said something about it maybe your boss is written you up for being late. 

And Your parents are threatening to cut you up or you get your first DUI. Most people at this stage are living in a form of denial. 

The problem isn’t their fault they’ll say it’s my genes both my parents drank or the breathalyzer was broken. 

A cop just headed out for me for my all-time favourite. I have this under control but as time goes on. 

And the negative consequences of addiction mount those excuses start to seem pretty lame. 


You’re not in denial anymore you know what change is necessary maybe you’ve done some soul-searching. 

And had some talks with your spouse or friends or your boss or maybe even your kids maybe. 

You’ve done a cost-benefit analysis of how you got to this point. You’re getting ready to commit to coping with change. 

But you’re not sure how well for change to happen you need a plan which leads us to stage three. 


No more denial, no more excuses. 

You’ve decided that you want to quit drinking, gambling, or overeating or maybe all of the above. You’re ready to take your life back. 

And with this decision, you may feel a sense of liberation. 

Now, you can envision a brighter future without that damn monkey on your ballot. 

You’re putting the past behind you and you’re evaluating possible solutions may be.  

It’s inpatient or outpatient rehab and now for the most important part Stage four. 

Take Action:

You quit maybe you check yourself into rehab. You start going to neutral support meetings. 

And you get a psychiatrist or psychologist involved to help you dig deeper into the reasons. 

You became addicted, to begin with, it sounds great but holds on you’re not done yet. 

Quitting is just the start for your recovery to stick stage 4 also requires that you build a new life. With a new purpose centred around healthy activities. 

Supported by friends who are on the same page as you are I’m not gonna sugarcoat it this part is hard. 

It’s scary but it could also be the most rewarding experience of your life because of breaking free from addiction. 

Finally allows you to evaluate your goals your priorities, your needs, your fears in essence looking at your true self through. 

A clear and unfiltered lens you know it’s said that knowledge is power, well knowledge about yourself is power. 

With a purpose but don’t rush this part either it doesn’t happen overnight it takes time to recover. 

The life you lost and rediscover the fun stuff you did before your addiction habit. 

It gives you a chance to uncover new strengths about yourself, new passions. 

Don’t regret the time that you lost to addiction focus on it all the time. You have now to dedicate yourself to personal growth. 

And to build long-term happiness now that you’re back in control of your life you have to keep it that way.  


The day-to-day work of continuing to build your confidence. Dealing with urges overcoming negative thoughts. 

And emotions that test your will and building a personal family social and vocational life centred around sobriety. 

You might find that you still need to go to meetings once a week or maybe once in a while or maybe like me. 

You’ve decided to start your recovery meeting. Whatever strategies you adopt the goal is to always move forward. 

And never backwards because there is a finish line in your recovery that is when you’ve rebuilt your life. 

And now your risk of becoming an addict is no greater than anyone else. 

So then what well that depends on you. Maybe, you’re the kind of person who can forget your addiction ever happened or maybe, 

You know yourself well enough to suspect that you could relapse maybe you need periodicity.

Maintenance in the form of meetings, counselling or volunteering to help others in recovery or something as simple as mindfulness. 

And perhaps meditation and this brings us to an important thing you should know and remember about the stages of coping with the change model. 

It’s not perfectly linear you may skip a stage or go back a stage from time to time. 

According to dr. Carla de Clement to the scientists who developed this model. 

Most people will try to quit their addictive behaviours and fails several times before they get it right. 

But that’s okay that’s to be expected relapses happen. The key is to learn from your slip-ups instead of letting them defeat you. 

You entirely it’s like riding a bike you fall off the bike so what get back on the bike. 


I hope you understand what I say through this article about coping with change. So, now let us revise all thing. 

First, if any change comes in your life. Then accept the change and try to deal the coping with the change. 

I can give you 3 tips for dealing with change which is to Be Flexible. And Embrace Change, Face Your Fears and Focus on The Things That You Can Control. 

After that, there are five stages of coping with change that help you a lot. 

Also you can read our blog on How to manage stress?



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