Identifying and avoiding unethical behavior

When a person is starting a company, one thing that he or she mostly doesn’t even think of that, there will be any problem like unethical behavior at the workplace. How can we identify and also avoid unethical activities by team members? This type of unethical behavior has been seen many times in big corporations.  […]

Six Emotional Leadership Styles and Emotional Intelligence

To boost productivity many leaders apply different techniques. Either it is path-goal theory, action centred leadership, etc. Six emotional leadership styles are one of them. Emotional intelligence is one of the styles that lead to productivity.  Three people named Richard Boyatiz, Annie Mackies and Daniel Goelman initiated or discovered six emotional leadership styles.  This theory […]

How to setup CEO Office – Best Guide

CEO, The Chief Executive Officer, is one of the most important people of any company. The CEO is the one who manages the company’s strategies; the CEO directly contacts the Board of Directors of the company. As the CEO plays a very important role in any company, it is very important to design the CEO […]