How to Improve Employee Efficiency with KRA and KPI

An efficient team can achieve more perfectly their goals. So here we are going to explain the efficiency with KRA and KPI. Efficiency is the capacity to do stuff properly, strongly, and without waste. The role of efficiency in achieving goals and objectives is important. WHAT’S IN IT Employee efficiency For completing any of the […]

How Self-Confident Are You? Improve Self-Confidence by Self-Efficacy

Self-Confidence is one of the most sought after qualities in today’s world. That makes sense too and why shouldn’t it? Who doesn’t want to hang out with someone who is oozing out the “Can Do” attitude? Undoubtedly this one quality can help us to achieve success in almost all aspects of our life whether it’s […]

Everything you need to know about Transformational Leadership

Today we are going to discuss transformational leadership you might have heard about this. We explore How to develop transformational leadership incoming blog. WHAT’S IN IT Transformational leaders are motivated, engaged, satisfies have a positive attitude, experience, less stress and Burnout and perform at higher than expected levels. To be a transformational leader one is […]